
Is life worth a tea?


What’s the worth of a life everything keeps passing through?
This cigarette, it’s gonna be gone in a minute or two
I’m thinking of my relatives and they’re gonna be gone soon
This tea I’m drinking, I’ll forget aout it too

I thought I would soon be making tea for two
When is that going to fade away too?
Grams of keep adding and I forget where I was going to
Burried in books I’m sleeping my whole life away through
But does in matter when I’ll be gone anytime too?



Total Views: 33
Barbara Ferreres
Author: Barbara Ferreres

I'm an eatherable mass belonging to nowhere (better known as Barbara Ferreres) and the unreliable narrator of its own descent into the margins of society. It's not that badn you should come and grab a tea sometimes. I love working with people, email me at tombelapluiepoetry@gmail.com. I would love it!



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