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De laatste weg

There were no more step to take
She wished she had thought about it sooner
She would have taken more of them, she thought
There were no last breath to take

That one seemed to surprise the reaper more
Should she tell her she hid it
In one of those last kisses
Would she take that one soul too ?

Written following the prompt “From one line”, which was “There was no more step to take”. Lenght and form were up to the writer.

2024, Barbara Ferreres, all right reserved – originally published on X (formerly Twitter @ateapotghost).

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Barbara Ferreres
Author: Barbara Ferreres

I'm an eatherable mass belonging to nowhere (better known as Barbara Ferreres) and the unreliable narrator of its own descent into the margins of society. It's not that badn you should come and grab a tea sometimes. I love working with people, email me at tombelapluiepoetry@gmail.com. I would love it!



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